Sunday, October 11, 2009

We're off like a dirty shirt!

Growing up, I remember my grandfather would always say, "We're off like a dirty shirt"! every time we would get in the car to go some place. So, that is what I told Zoe as we headed out for her first road trip! Our first family trip was a five hour drive to Headland Alabama to visit Zoe's grandparents. The drive there started off good and Zoe just slept but then we had an hour long screaming fit due to gas. She eventually settled down and we arrived safe and sound.

Zoe is still to young to play with the goats or to take a donkey ride (sorry, Gabe.... maybe next time!) but we still had a great time. The grandparents just ate Zoe right up! She is so cute, how could they not? :) I just wish I wasn't so tired and feeling like a zombie the whole visit! The weekend went by so fast and in a flash it was time to pack the car back up and head home. Zoe slept nearly the entire drive home! It was a wonderful first family trip!

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