Sunday, July 25, 2010

11 months.......GASP!!

So I figured I should get the 11 months update done in a timely fashion...because next month I'm going to be in total denial and will most likely refuse to make that dreaded bittersweet 1 year post. Sigh.....

I simply cant believe (or I refuse to) that my baby is growing up so fast! Everyday she learns something new and perfects something she been working on. She can pull to standing on anything, she cruises around on furniture, can stand alone momentarily, gives kisses on command, sometimes waves bye bye on command too. She knows how to shake her head "yes" and "no" and seems to know what they mean. However, if you tell her "no" but she wants to do it anyway she will shake her head "yes" and do it. hahaha

She loves to be chased! The tile floor and my knees don't get along that well tho so she actually crawls faster than me :) She squeals and laughs as she "gets away" :) She is all over the place and getting into everything!! I try my best to keep the floors clean of pet hair...but occasionally those sticky little fingers find some still and she gets it in her mouth and gags a little. Its funny, but not. lol No matter how much I clean this house she can always find a dirty spot! It doesn't matter if its on the wall, floor, table, door.... she finds it. I cant help but to feel judged when she sits there tapping the dirty smudge on the wall while looking at me. She sure is observant for 11 months old. :)

I guess I have gotten over my fear of Zoe choking. I have been offering her bites of real foods and she likes most everything. She has finally started getting her 2nd tooth in but she still just gums things. Its kind of fun to sit at the table with her and share. I still plan of eating my Fruit Loops late at night though....once she finds out that sweet rainbow colored "cheerios" exist.... its over!

....Sigh........ 11 months....and counting..........

PS... When Zoe was born we received a flower arrangement that was delivered in a small Radio Flyer wagon. I knew right away that wagon would be perfect for her July monthly photo. It worked out perfectly! I put her inside the wagon so she couldn't crawl away from me! hahaha

PSS.....My background is gone...that sucks. I will find a new one when I have time...

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